The Wrong Kind of Hard
Entropic Reduction Solver
Exploring SQLite with Go using the C API (cgo)
Moving Abroad (Pt.3)
InfinityDB: A theorical ideal about a distributed storage
How I Take Notes
An idea on distraction
Perpetual Changing Space
Practical Math: My Journey from Idea to Application
Your own desire to know
Nand2Tetris: Stack Pointer Math
:Copilot disable
Focus on one thing, and one thing only
Automate, Delegate, Communicate
Information Bombs: the danger of reading everything online
Moving Abroad (Pt.2)
A Javascript Nightmare
All the fallacies in the world
The Creative Spark of Isolation
Nothing will be real anymore
How much is too much?
Speed of failing
Synthetic Restrictions
About time and alphabets
Look mom! I built a computer
My essential toolkit for local data manipulation
The devil is in the details
Why data is hard
On preserving knowledge
Moving abroad
Just a simple task
A normal week (in tech)
A way of grinding
The past is a grotesque animal
On being bored as a tech enthusiast
They are here
Notes about the future
About code interviews
Make your own NFT collection using Lighthouse + Fantom
How to deploy smart contracts on Fantom
Bosses and Bad Ideas: a tale from corporate software
Think in React
How to build a real-time notification system using SignalR Core