I’m Ignacio Brasca, a developer from Argentina living abroad (prev. Italy and Sweden, now Spain), with experience in web development, security, system design, scalability, finance and game development.


Now, I mainly focus on developing high-performance code for financial applications but most of the work I did and I’m doing cannot be published due to NDA.

I used to work for PwC at AI Labs.

Currently, I’m building Datia with an amazing team.

Random Facts

  • In 2019, I met Mark Zuckerberg while getting into the finals with OpenCurriculum on the F8 Global Hackathon in Facebook California.

  • As a kid, I had access to my country’s customs database. I was really interested in breaking things but I kept my cool and reported the problem (nobody replied).

  • As a kid I developed and “published” independently two games (The Recovery and Caminante).

  • I participated in the writting of two books about Cinema and Finance within Estacion Cine.

Things I like to do outside software

  • Read about finance and business in general.

  • Learning psychiatry

  • Competitive Programming (Participation in Facebook F8 California and Facebook Hackathon Argentina)

  • Make music as Too Nano and TXXNANO.

  • I like to publish my work (If any) on ResearchGate.